JJ Disney lift release warden training

Lift release warden training – emergency rescue procedures to release trapped lift passengers

This course is for healthcare staff who are designated as Lift Release Wardens (as defined in HTM 08-02) to carry out the emergency rescue of trapped lift passengers on their premises.

Course outline

  • Basic lift technology
  • Lift configurations. hazards and masses involved
  • Lift safety systems
  • Health and safety law
  • Relevant guidance including HTM 08-02 (lifts) and BS 7255:2023 Code of practice for safe working on lifts
  • Considerations when dealing with passengers trapped in lifts
  • Safe hand winding or lowering procedures
  • Question paper to confirm learning and understanding prior to practical element
  • Practical exploration of lift systems and component operation
  • Full demonstration and individual candidate practice of emergency rescue procedures
  • Practical assessment
  • Return to classroom for debrief and questions

The emergency procedures are tailored specifically to each installation on your premises and in accordance with the installer’s release instructions. By the end of the course, candidates will have a basic understanding of how a lift operates and be able to safely rescue passengers trapped in a lift.

A certificate of competency is provided, along with a comprehensive manual with full written procedures and technical content covered by the course.

Our courses are fixed price per day with travel costs and disbursements included.  

Number of candidates
The number of candidates permitted on the course is limited to 7 people. This is for safety reasons as candidates are closely supervised at all times.

Important information
Training takes place on your premises. A small meeting room with a blank wall or screen will be required for the classroom instruction part of the training.  We will not need to visit the site for risk assessments or equipment inspection prior to the course.