Authorising engineer HTM 08-02 (lifts)
As authorising engineer, we provide independent professional advice to clients, develop and deliver lift maintenance programmes, monitor the performance of the service and carry out routine audits and risk assessments. Our service encompasses:
- Managing the maintenance programme.
- Monitoring lift failures and the type and frequency of the breakdown.
- Setting up benchmarking standards.
- Providing a single point of contact for all technical matters relating to the lift equipment on your site.
- Liaising with help desks on all technical matters including repeat technical faults.
- Providing guidance on health and safety related matters and ensuring any defects are dealt with adequately.
- Negotiating contractor service level agreements, performance measures and non-performance penalties.
- Monthly contractor review meetings.
- Liaising with competent persons regarding compliance with relevant polices and procedures.
- Technical reviews of reports and statutory insurance inspections to identify issues and ensure defects are rectified quickly.
- Routine audits, maintenance reviews and risk assessments of the lift equipment and reporting on our findings.
- Meeting the requirements of Health Technical Memorandum 08–02 when working on behalf of healthcare trusts.
We act as authorising engineer for many healthcare trusts. Contact us to discuss your requirements.